Friday, April 10, 2009

Mckinlee was so excited last Tuesday she came home from school and showed me a check from the Gunnison Elementry for $8.00!! She had studied for a test for 3 weeks and was one of six in the 4th grade to win $ for getting 100% on the test. We are so proud of you Nin!!

Braxon was in the cutest play last week. They had the 1st grade do a friendship play and he got to be the frog. He did such a good job and was so excited to be in a play for the first time. He would read over his line every night. He did an awesome job. We are so proud of you Bubba!!!

1 comment:

Bobbi said...

That's so cool Nin.... You did AWESOME! Keep up the good work! I really enjoyed your play... It was interesting and fun to see...You did a GREAT job!