Saturday, April 18, 2009


Well, Santa brought us a surprise for Christmas this year!! The kids were really excited for "Muzzy". Especially Ninny. He has been a really fun dog but alot of work, its almost like having another baby. We chase him down the road everyday.

Friday, April 10, 2009

The kids are so excited for Easter!! We painted our eggs today so that we can take them with us tomorrow. We are going to take the kids to Zion's and stay in St. George. They can't wait to go with both of their grandparents they are so lucky to have them all coming with us! We are going to meet Tiff and Doug and kids in St. George on Sunday for Tanners birthday. It will be so much fun. I wish the rest of our familys could be there with us this Easter! We will catch them next year.

Mckinlee was so excited last Tuesday she came home from school and showed me a check from the Gunnison Elementry for $8.00!! She had studied for a test for 3 weeks and was one of six in the 4th grade to win $ for getting 100% on the test. We are so proud of you Nin!!

Braxon was in the cutest play last week. They had the 1st grade do a friendship play and he got to be the frog. He did such a good job and was so excited to be in a play for the first time. He would read over his line every night. He did an awesome job. We are so proud of you Bubba!!!

Between dance and soccer singing baseball and gymnastics the kids are staying busy doing things that they love!!